
Uganda Immigration Officers Trained on Document Forgery and Data Analysis

Uganda - In cooperation with the African Capacity Building Centre (ACBC), IOM recently carried out a study visit for 15 Immigration Officers from Uganda to the ACBC center in Moshi, Tanzania, to deliver a series of three training sessions to Immigration officers from Uganda’s Directorate for Citizenship and Immigration Control.

The training was conducted under the “Strengthening Border Management in Uganda” (IBM) project implemented by IOM Uganda in cooperation with the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Uganda and funded by the Government of Japan. The main objective of the IBM project is to assist the Government of Uganda in enhancing its performance of border controls through investments in infrastructure and training. The IBM project shall refurbish and equip four border crossing points at the border with South Sudan (Afoji), Democratic Republic of the Congo (Goli and Bunagana) and Rwanda (Kyanika) with the Migration Information and Data Analysis System (MIDAS) IT system developed by IOM.

The first training on the utilization of the Migration Information and Data Analysis System was successfully conducted on 26th–28th of August. Participants were divided into two groups for the additional training that are currently taking place in passport examination and document forgery training.

MIDAS already has been installed in 16 countries in Africa, allowing for the electronic capture of travelers’ data and the creation of central databases. MIDAS also provides data for the creation of “alert lists” to strengthen border security and prevent irregular and illegal crossings over the border. MIDAS allows interconnectivity with the INTERPOL database. To date, this has been done in Tanzania, Djibouti and Belize.

For more information, please contact

Anna Tapia
IOM Uganda
Tel: +256(0) 772 709 918