Identifying, mitigating and addressing the root causes of forced migration is a core component of resolving displacement, promoting peace, ensuring a sustainable recovery and building resilience. This is a core mandate of IOM’s Transition and Recovery Division (TRD). Globally, TRD oversees programming in four broad categories of;

  • Stabilization,
  • Durable Solutions and Resilience,
  • Transition and Peacebuilding,
  • Disaster Risk Reduction and Environmental Degradation.

IOM Uganda’s Transition and Recovery work supports efforts to rebuild peace, mitigate conflict, and minimize risks of future crises, ultimately contributing to the prevention of further forced/irregular migration, promoting durable solutions, and providing the foundation for sustainable development. 

TRD Frameworks

Community Stabilization: To enhance stability and security in vulnerable communities, and prevent further forced/irregular migration by mitigating factors that cause conflict and displacement, restoring trust among community members, vulnerable populations and local authorities, and laying the foundations for durable peace and sustainable development. IOM’s Stabilization programmes are Context-Specific; Community-owned and driven; supportive of Government partnership and leadership; Multi-Sectoral and Integrated; Conflict-Sensitive; and they Embrace Innovation, Learning and iterative programming

Durable Solutions: To provide post‐crisis assistance to displaced populations to promote their sustainable return and reintegration or local integration, enabling them to no longer need assistance and protection that are linked to their displacement and to be able to rebuild their lives in the longer-term. Other approaches include: Livelihoods promotion for forced migrants and vulnerable communities;  Disaster Risk Reduction, which involves analyzing the causal factors of disasters; as well as Supporting Transition and Peacebuilding, under which fall:  Disarmament, Demobilization and Reintegration (DDR);  Security Sector Reform (SSR);  Electoral Support to governments, migrants and Election Observation Missions; as well as building  Social Cohesion by creating and enhancing opportunities for dialogue, collaboration, participation and conflict resolution.